Interested in becoming a tutor?

Dyslexia Resource Center trains educators, parents and tutors to help struggling readers! 

Educators and reading tutors are encouraged to take advantage of these excellent multi-sensory professional development opportunities. 


workshops & one-on-one training

You are invited to attend any of our workshops to experience a way to teach reading that utilizes a direct, structured, sequential, cumulative and multi-sensory approach.  While this is a proven teaching method for all students, it is a must  for the 10-20% that are dyslexic learners!

All of the workshops and training we offer at Dyslexia Resource Center utilize an OG based approach.  We are happy to visit with you to determine which training opportunities will best meet your individual goals.



Barton Reading System Tutor Training –Tutor Eau Claire Dyslexia Resource Center has a license for the Barton Reading System Tutor Training.  Individuals taking this training must volunteer on-site according to our license.

More information about the Barton Reading System is available on our Resources page.

Take the Barton Tutor Screening at to see if you have the needed phonemic awareness to become a Barton tutor.

Orton-Gillingham Training

OG Classroom Educator

The Orton-Gillingham Classroom Educator is qualified to apply principles of the Orton-Gillingham Approach to modify and provide literary instruction for the classroom or small groups.  Utilizing direct instruction, teachers bring a multisensory, structured, sequential, phonics and linguistic approach into the classroom. Associate and Advanced levels of OG training are available.

OG associate

Associate Level members may tutor individuals using the Orton-Gillingham Approach while continuing to work under the supervision of a Fellow.

Orton-Gillingham practicum observations available in Columbia and Charleston, SC or by video.  Contact Janet Jones, Fellow/AOGPE at


Open Position — Lafayette

Here is a description of a job at your company. Sed nulla auctor, nec placerat felis sodales. Etiam et turpis mattis, efficitur mi ut, ultrices diam. Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl tempor dolor sed nulla.

Pellentesque habitant morbi
Tristique senectus et malesuada
Fames ac turpis egestas
Nullam tempor dolor sed nulla
Auctor nec placerat felis
Sodales. Etiam et turpis mattis
Efficitur mi ut, ultrices diam

Open Position — New York City

Here is a description of a job at your company. Sed nulla auctor, nec placerat felis sodales. Etiam et turpis mattis, efficitur mi ut, ultrices diam. Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet fringilla nisi mollis eget. Sed a eros nec leo euismod eleifend sit amet ut nisl tempor dolor sed nulla.

Pellentesque habitant morbi
Tristique senectus et malesuada
Fames ac turpis egestas
Nullam tempor dolor sed nulla
Auctor nec placerat felis
Sodales. Etiam et turpis mattis
Efficitur mi ut, ultrices diam